I'm a member of a few different online childcare provider groups. Occasionally, someone asks for advice on how to increase her rates. Without exception, each time I have seen a provider ask for advice she defends herself with this line: "local centers are charging X and I will still be below that."
Why is that the case? Shouldn't it be the opposite?
We are able to take a very limited number of children and in a lot of cases, provide a much higher quality of care for them. I don't think parents opt for home providers in most cases because of the slightly lower rate. I think it's because for most children, it is a much healthier happier place for them to grow and develop.
Most importantly, they can form a strong bond with ONE person who will be providing consistent and predictable care for them. This provides the stability and security they need. Kids in our care are exposed to fewer germs. In many cases, they have opportunity to personalize the schedule to some degree to fit their needs for the day. Parents have more opportunity for communication. Parents can work more effectively with a provider to provide consistancy in care patterns. This is helpful when it comes to transitions like potty training or behavior challenges.
When a parent finds someone with the right qualifications who is a good fit with their family, the family childcare provider is actually priceless.
Give yourselves a pat on the back today. You deserve it!
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